Our Mission
The mission of the Bureau, Henry and Stark County Regional Office of Education is to
support and enhance educational growth through advocacy and leadership.
Our Vision – The vision of the Bureau, Henry and Stark County Regional Office of Education is to be a proactive intermediate educational agency serving the learning community through innovative and collaborative leadership.
The Regional Superintendent of Schools is the chief administrative educational officer of an educational service region, and the only elected education professional office in Illinois. As an intermediate agency between the Illinois State Board of Education and local school districts, the Office of the Regional Superintendent performs regulatory functions as directed by the Illinois School Code.
Special duties of the Regional Superintendent are stated in the School Code and can be summarized in two major areas: service and assurances to the public.
Service components are generally grouped as: legislative, legal, cooperative management, research dissemination, educational administration and citizen representation. Each component requires specific skills placing the Regional Superintendent in an alliance role. As the alliance agent, the Regional Superintendent brings together people, concepts and resources to provide educational services.
Assurances to the public include: fiscal responsibilities, local performance, life safety, certification, supervision and curriculum. In these areas, legislation places enforcement responsibilities on the Regional Superintendent to guarantee that certain minimums are met and legal parameters followed. In most instances, enforcement responsibilities become services to help schools and school personnel meet minimum expectation.
During the school year, the Regional Superintendent and her staff receive hundreds of telephone calls, letters and visits from parents, school personnel, and citizens concerning a multitude of educational concerns. It is the policy of the Regional Superintendent to give prompt service and accurate information to any individual or group seeking assistance.
Some duties of the Regional Office of Education as stated in School Code are:
- To exercise supervision and control over all school districts in the County and advise in controversies under law;
- To distribute general state aid and categorical funds;
- To evaluate and file school treasurers’ bonds;
- To notify districts of monies sent to school treasurers;
- To issue and register teaching and administrative certificates;
- To assume responsibility for suspension of teaching and administrative certificates;
- To assume responsibility relative to holding institute or in-service training;
- To coordinate and deliver in-service training for school bus drivers;
- To enforce health/life safety standards in all school buildings;
- To cause a review of school construction plans and specifications for remodeling, school additions, and new school construction for compliance with applicable codes;
- To issue school construction permits as above;
- To direct cooperative education programs;
- To appoint a truant officer;
- To maintain an annual census of school districts;
- To maintain a map of school districts within the county;
- To act as secretary to the Regional Board of School Trustees;
- To assume responsibility for certain scholarships;
- To act as custodian of school-related documents for the State of Illinois;
- To report annually to the County Board and the State Board of Education regarding the activities of the Office and the condition of the schools;
- To respond to questions, including legal questions, from parents, teachers, administrators, boards of education and other citizens of the region; and
- To provide continuing professional development opportunities for administrators, staff development in the fundamental learning areas, technology staff development, gifted education program assistance, and other services identified through regional needs assessment.